Emerging Museum Professionals Grant

WFM’s Emerging Museum Professional Grant offers complimentary registration and a stipend of $200 to help an individual WFM affiliate attend the Wisconsin Museums Conference for the first time.


The Emerging Museum Professional Grant is awarded to a WFM affiliate who meets the following criteria:

  • current Individual WFM affiliate (institutions may not apply on behalf of staff or volunteers)

  • 10 years or fewer in the museum field (volunteer or paid)

  • First-time attendee at the Wisconsin Museums Conference


  • Award recipients must be present at the Wisconsin Museums Conference. They will be notified at least one month in advance to facilitate attendance

  • The award includes complimentary registration for the main conference. If there are additional costs for special events, tours, or other activities, those will not be included as part of the award

  • The $200 stipend may be used to cover the cost of additional activities, food, lodging, or transportation expenses associated with attending the conference

  • Award recipients may be asked to submit a brief summary of their conference experience for inclusion in WFM publications

Application Procedure