Awards of Excellence

WFM presents a variety of Awards of Excellence to recognize and celebrate the best of Wisconsin museums. The Awards of Excellence acknowledge the outstanding contributions of the people and institutions of Wisconsin and encourage new and innovative approaches to the museum field.


  • Advocacy Excellence Award - Awarded to an individual or organization for an outstanding commitment to furthering the growth, vitality, and sustainability of Wisconsin’s cultural institutions through advocacy and outreach work at any level (local, state, national)

  • Ann Koski Professional Excellence Award - Awarded to a Wisconsin Museum professional (director, educator, curator, development director, or other museum professional) for their contributions to Wisconsin museums and overall service to the museum profession

  • Institutional Excellence Award - Awarded to a WFM institutional affiliate for excellence in exhibit design, education programming, institutional promotion, collection conservation or preservation

  • Volunteer Excellence Award - Awarded to individuals for excellence in volunteer service to their museum institution


  • Only institutional or individual WFM affiliates may submit a nomination for the Awards of Excellence. More specifically:

    • Ann Koski Professional Excellence Award - Nominee may be either an individual WFM affiliate or work for a WFM institutional affiliate

    • Institutional Excellence Award - Nominee must be a WFM institutional affiliate

    • Volunteer Excellence Award - Nominee is not required to be a WFM affiliate, however the nominating institution must be a WFM institutional affiliate


  • Multiple nominations may be submitted by an institution, but each nomination must be submitted on a separate nomination form with appropriate supporting materials


  • Recipients must be present to receive their award at the Wisconsin Museums Conference. Recipients will be notified a minimum of one month in advance of the conference to facilitate attendance

  • The award includes complimentary lunch for recipients at the conference

Nomination Procedure

  • Submit the Awards of Excellence Nomination Form (via Google Forms) by August 1, including

    • One page narrative highlighting why the nominee should receive the selected award (doc or pdf only)

    • One additional letter of endorsement (doc or pdf only)

    • Up to two additional forms of supporting documentation (photographs, brochures, newsletters, etc.) (doc, pdf, or image only)

  • For questions or additional information, email